Eating right and staying active are obvious healthy choices for everyone, no matter how young or old. But having true wellness goes beyond that. It encompasses mind, body and spirit. And very often, a truly healthy body begins with the vitamins and nutrients on the inside. Healthy food and supplements are great ways to get those much-needed nutrients and vitamins, but actual absorption can be problematic and is often lower than you might think.
The Benefits of Our Vancouver IV Nutrient Therapy
Fortunately, at Inspirit Health Group, we offer an innovative treatment called Intramuscular (IM) or Intravenous (IV) Nutrient Therapy in Vancouver. As you might have guessed, this is a safe and holistic way to deliver nutrients and vitamins either straight into your bloodstream or into the muscle tissue.
This method bypasses the digestive system that food and supplements have to pass through. Only about 20% of your vitamins and nutrients are able to be absorbed before the digestive system flushes them out. And people who have an especially hard time with absorption due to digestive conditions may get even less from their vitamins and nutrients.
When administered intravenously or through the muscle, the nutrients are delivered directly to your cells, increasing absorption drastically and instantly boosting many of your body’s functions.

The Best Team to Administer Your IM Nutrient Therapy in Vancouver
Our highly skilled team of naturopathic doctors, physicians and certified holistic professionals is proud to provide the highest quality of IV and IM Nutrient Therapy. We understand that every patient has unique needs, and we take the time to understand each client so that we can tailor the most effective kind of treatment for your specific case.
There are many reasons why this kind of treatment is beneficial for everyone, but it really just boils down to the benefits of nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. You may think you are in good health, but you might still be lacking vital nutrients to boost your energy and immune system and fight against the toxins that are introduced to us daily through our food and products.
Why IV Nutrient Infusion Therapy in Vancouver is Right for You
If you are suffering from a condition or deficiency, these nutrients and vitamins are even more important. People with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have a hard time absorbing vitamins and minerals and sometimes have diet restrictions that limit nutrient intake.
And most people who have a vitamin deficiency aren’t even aware of it because the symptoms are broad and often mistaken for something else. Common symptoms of common deficiencies include fatigue, lethargy, brittle hair and nails, irritability, dry eyes and dry skin.
IV and IM Nutrient Therapy can help reverse these deficiencies due to the potent delivery of vital nutrients. It’s also great for repairing cell damage, reversing dehydration and recovering from injuries, illnesses, workouts and other treatments.
Our team is strong and specializes in a vast array of holistic wellness services: