Improving IVF Success Rates With Acupuncture

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If you are considering In Vitro Fertilization, you may be interested in knowing that there is something else you can do alongside this process to increase your chances of success and acupuncture is a great example. There are a number of studies that show acupuncture as a successful method when it comes to improving fertility parameters and higher pregnancy rates. The results are so great that a lot of IVF doctors encourage their patients to receive acupuncture treatments, and several IVF clinics even offer their patients acupuncture on-site on the day of the embryo transfer.

Like most treatments, results are not guaranteed; however, studies show that patients who received acupuncture on the day of the embryo transfer had a higher chance of success compared to patients who did not receive the treatment. So, while it is not a guarantee, it is certainly worth considering because you will be increasing your chances of a pregnancy.

It is natural to have doubts about the process but acupuncture is known to enhance fertility and does support the IVF process. Acupuncture can help improve your chances of getting pregnant by lowering your cortisol levels, reducing inflammation, regulating your hormone balance and increasing both the ovarian and uterine blood flow. The treatments can also help calm the central nervous system while soothing any stress and anxiety and a lot of patients also report that acupuncture helps alleviate the side effects caused by IVF medications.

The treatments have wide-ranging effects and as a result, acupuncture can benefit egg quality while supporting the development of a robust endometrial lining and helping with embryo implantation. Additionally, acupuncture can also help patients with their emotional, mental and physical well-being, which is extremely important and crucial to the process.

Scheduling your fertility acupuncture treatments should be done strategically and while your exact treatment schedule will vary based on your individual situation, certain guidelines should be met in most cases. You should begin weekly acupuncture eight weeks prior to egg retrieval and increase it to twice a week approximately two weeks prior to egg retrieval. If you’re planning a frozen embryo transfer, start your weekly acupuncture eight weeks prior and increase it to twice a week four weeks prior to the transfer. An acupuncture treatment must be done pre and post the frozen embryo transfer on the day of.

If you receive a positive pregnancy test as a result, it is recommended that you continue your acupuncture treatments to support your pregnancy. Maintain a regular schedule of treatments through the first trimester as this will provide you with support during the first few months of your pregnancy, which can be a vulnerable period.

Inspirit Health Group can provide you with more information regarding this issue and our naturopathic clinic can offer you a solution. We specialize in acupuncture and massage therapy and treat patients in downtown Vancouver and Yaletown areas.

If you are looking for a registered massage therapist or are interested in seeing a naturopathic doctor, give us a call now!

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