Understanding the Root Causes of Allergies: A Holistic Perspective
Allergies are among the most common chronic conditions globally, affecting millions of individuals. From a conventional medical perspective, an allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to a normally …
The Link Between a Healthy Diet and Your Overall Well-Being
As the saying goes, “you are what you eat”. This statement is more than just a phrase; it’s a scientific fact. The food you consume has a direct impact on your …
How Often You Should Get A Massage: A Guide to Finding Your Optimal Frequency
Massage therapy has been around for centuries and has been known to provide numerous benefits to the human body. It is an effective way to relieve muscle tension, reduce stress levels, …
The Benefits of Acupuncture: How Inspirit Health Group Can Help You
Acupuncture has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and is now widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment for various health conditions. At Inspirit Health Group, we …
Your First Massage: What to Expect
Massage therapy is a popular form of alternative healthcare that has been used for thousands of years to help people feel better and reduce stress. If you are considering your first …
Can a Naturopath Help With Stress?
Chronic stress plagues a lot of people, but many are unaware that they’re suffering from it; if they do know, they might underestimate the degree to which it affects them. …
What Is an RMT Massage?
A massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself, but that’s not where it ends. An RMT massage is a massage performed by a registered massage therapist (RMT). It’s a …
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet
What is Inflammation? Written by our Holistic Nutritionist, Sara Scherbakov-Coutts. Inflammation is one of the natural ways that the body protects and heals itself. It involves complex chemical reactions that occur …
Improving IVF Success Rates With Acupuncture
If you are considering In Vitro Fertilization, you may be interested in knowing that there is something else you can do alongside this process to increase your chances of success …
Carly’s Tips to See Her Less!
As hilarious and entertaining as I am, realistically you want to see me as little as possible. A lot of people have switched to working from home due to Covid-19, …